8 ways to Keep Busy In January 2021

With 2021 well underway, I just wanted to take a moment to say that I hope you are healthy and happy moving into 2021!

As with most other years, a new year can mean new goals and a fresh start. However, in 2021 we are still living with the uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic. In Scotland, we went into full lockdown after Christmas day 2020 until at least the end of January 2021. With the little bit of time I had on my hands relaxing over the festive period, I decided that I would begin creating a visual planner for each month in 2021. These planners are my effort to begin looking for the good and to keep busy with what I CAN still do instead of focussing on what I’m missing.

Recently I’ve felt a general sense of people becoming overwhelmed and focussing a lot of energy on the negative aspects of the pandemic. My hope is that you might also use these planners as a visual reminder of what else is going on in the world and take part in some of the activities too. My monthly planners will include activity-based prompts and may include topics which aim to raise awareness of other health or social issues also happening in and around our little world.

January 2021 Planner

January 2021 Planner

 To kick things off…8 ways to keep busy in January 2021:


1.     Create a vision board for something you would like to happen in the future.

It might be your ideal 2021, your dream job, planning that road trip you always wanted to take- get creative! Include photos, make notes and display this vision board somewhere that you will see it every day.


2.     Indulge in a luxurious bubble bath (if you have the luxury of being able to access a bath):

Get yourself some bath salts, maybe a bath bomb or bubble bar (Lush- the comforter is my personal favourite), light some candles, play some chill music and just ‘be’ for a while. Enjoy!


3.     January is National Soup month (who knew but YES- I do love soup)

Try a new recipe? Cook for your family? Soup is a great way to get more vegetables into your diet and nothing beats a nice bowl of soup on a cold winter’s day!


4.     Practice your handwriting:

With the lack of travel happening these days it’s very likely that you haven’t seen someone special in your life over the past year. I love getting something in the post (apart from bills…obvs). Why not send this special someone a letter? Go all out and doodle on or decorate the envelope? OR maybe get fancy with your handwriting and take some time to write down your favourite quotes or positive affirmations?


5.     Burns Night:

We Scots celebrate the life and poetry works of Scottish Poet- Robert Burns. Read some Scottish poetry; ‘To a Mouse’- a classic or ‘Tae a fart’- entirely lacking in class but very funny indeed. Have you ever tried haggis? Or veggie haggis? You don’t have to eat it with the typical neeps (turnip) and tatties (potatoes). Try a new recipe- haggis spaghetti? Haggis pizza? Haggis nachos?


6.     Whip out a jigsaw puzzle:

This is a nice relaxed way to distract yourself and while away the short winter days with a good jigsaw- especially if someone else wants work on it with you.


7.     Take a ‘library shelfie’ and share it on social media or with your friends and family:

What are you reading? Do you have an interest in a particular genre or topic? Are you particular about how your books look on the shelf? If you have a good book recommendation now is the time to share it- take a photo are share it on social media! Did you set a reading goal for 2021? Try www.Goodreads.com to track your progress.


8.     Make an EPIC cup of hot chocolate!

Get creative with it- why not look for a new recipe? How many marshmallows does your favourite mug hold? How tall can your whipped cream tower? Do you use any crazy toppings? I’d like to see some photos!!



5 Ways to keep Busy In February 2021


Halloween 2020