30 Day Creative Drawing Challenge


Not sure where to start with drawing?

Download the Envy Row 30 Day Drawing Challenge print out and I’d LOVE to see what you come up with. We have included a few days that you might want to try drawing in collaboration with someone else.

How to set up a collaborative project

  • Decide who is going to be involved. Can you all sit together? Are you going to send something in the post- maybe a shared sketchbook? Can you email the art back and forth?

  • Decide what art materials you are going to use. You might all use different materials and that is OK. Work with what you have.

  • Decide a theme or topic to draw to (see attached my list of prompts to give you some ideas).

  • Keep passing the work around until the pages are full or the pieces feel like they are finished.

How to set up a collaborative project

  • Each person should start a new drawing and draw a little bit on each theme around the page - remember to leave plenty of space for others to add to your drawing.

  • I suggest choosing only 3 or 4 colours. This will help your finished piece to look more cohesive.

  • You might also be able to try a similar set up with creative writing?

You don’t have to be great at drawing to take part in a collaborative drawing challenge. This might be something that you do to develop your drawing skills but you could also try a creative challenge like this just for fun. Some of my favourite drawings are filled with all sorts of funny mistakes. Ever seen a bird with 4 legs and 2 wings? Well I have- it can be great fun to laugh at these wonky drawings together.

If you don’t feel up to my daily drawing challenge why not try out some of these fun drawing games with your family and friends instead:

DrawSomething app | Passiton app | Pictionary board game.


Halloween 2020


Launching Envy Row